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Home » Blog » Classroom Storage » Ingenious Ways to Store Sports Equipment with Limited Space
Sports activities are an important part of the school curriculum and often involve a lot of equipment. Storing the apparatus can be a challenge when the space that you have is limited, so manufacturers are always looking at new solutions to make sure that you are able to make the most of sport activities. These days there is plenty that you can do to ensure that the many sports items are stored away neatly and safely- check out our top tips!
When your area is limited, it is important to utilise every inch of space that you have, including the wall. This can be done with the use of hooks, shelves and racks… Ideal! Take skipping rope racks for example. There is nothing worse on time consumption than untying skipping ropes before a PE lesson. The specially designed racks ensure that the ropes can be stored neatly and efficiently without creating trip hazards and it prevents the tedious process of untying them when they get tangled.
Storage racks for tennis and badminton rackets are also a very effective solution. The design of the racks may look simple, but are extremely practical. The racks prevent equipment from being thrown and left on the floor, thus preventing damage and creating a safer area for pupils. They can be installed onto the wall, creating space on the floor for other storage solutions and also leaves space for movement in high traffic areas.
The use of trolleys has been an understandable favourite for many years when it comes to storage. In addition to making the movement of equipment a lot easier, trolleys also ensure that the areas are kept tidy and therefore safer and more efficient. To optimise the practicality and efficiency of trolleys, manufacturers often build them to specific products, for example gym mats, which are often bulky and difficult to handle.
There are now also trolleys that are highly versatile, allowing for a variety of different sports equipment to be stored and tidied. Like the Dynamo Trolleys, more than one specific item can be stored which means you only have to roll out one trolley. What could be easier than rolling one trolley out into the sports hall to achieve an entire sports lesson?
Another more generic approach to storing sports equipment, is the use of bags. Bags have been used as a transport and storage tool for countless years, being lightweight and tidy, it is easy to see why! Always wanting to improve and make life easier for consumers, sports equipment bag manufacturers are always looking for more ways to revamp their products. Take our Albion Rounders Ball Pack as an example; the “netting” that is incorporated means you can see what is inside the bag, saving you having to look any further. The entire set needed for a rounders match can be placed together neatly, decreasing any chance of anything going missing. It’s an all-rounder!
“Collapsable bags” are also fast becoming a great solution to storing equipment for sport. Having the same, neat qualities of a storage bag these can be “folded” when not in use, making them a smaller item to store when not in use. It’s amazing how many possibilities are available with such a simple storage solutions.
It may seem like the most obvious solution for storage, but boxes and baskets are one of the most efficient, especially when storing sports equipment! The best benefit of using baskets and boxes is that products are easily found due to their accessibility and it keeps the space tidy and more importantly, safe!
Wire baskets are great when storing sports paraphernalia. The main reason for this is the durability of the materials used. They are also lightweight, so great for moving around when needed. Baskets are also a great storage tool due to the fact that you can see into the baskets, even from the sides, decreasing search time and giving more time for the sport activities!
Boxes and containers are solid, which is very handy when it comes to the storage of smaller items. The solid structure will prevent smaller accessories from falling out of the sides and bottom. Being made from plastic, boxes are light to carry and move around as well so no need to worry about heavy lifting!
The storage boxes are often available in different colours, so it is possible to colour match certain sport items and you could also choose your school colours to boost morale! The solid structure that boxes provide also allows you to apply labels to them, giving you the opportunity to point out what is inside them to minimise the search for certain equipment. In addition to all these benefits, boxes can also be stacked on top of each other, allowing you to maximise the space that you have available. Manufacturers definitely thought out of the box to achieve all these solutions!
They might be simple, but these solutions definitely go a long way towards creating an efficient sports lesson. Space is often limited when it comes to storing equipment, but I hope all this helps towards creating a storage home run!
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