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The ‘new normal’ in schools post-lockdown

General Info about us June 12th 2020
The 'new normal' in schools post-lockdown
Schools around the country are beginning to re-open in a limited capacity, depending on whether their geographical location has met the criteria set out by the UK government. Teachers are hurrying to prepare classrooms, lunch halls and outdoor areas to ensure they are safe and welcoming for children to return to school. One area that is consistently being overlooked, however, is the teachers' lounge. Creating a safe teachers' lounge is just as important as a classroom. Here are some top ways you can create a safe teachers' lounge in your school…
1. Easy clean seating - Remind employees that they should clean seating in the staff room before they sit down and eat their lunch or have a hot drink. This will eliminate the potential of cross-contamination between surfaces and will ensure teachers can feel safe and relaxed as they take a break.
2. Adjustable furniture - The government is trusting schools to make their own rules and policies in regard to the teachers' lounge. For example, your school may decide to limit the number of people allowed in the staff room at once and reduce the furniture in the lounge. If you decide to do this, you must make sure the furniture that remains in the school office is easily cleanable and ideally height adjustable to ensure it accommodates all employees. Sit stand school desks can be considered for school teaching and office spaces.
3. Safe conference solutions - If your teachers' lounge often doubles as a conference and meeting room, you must ensure you install screen guards and sneeze screens where necessary. This will ensure teachers can take part in group meetings and discussions whilst maintaining social distancing regulations.
4. Stop shared snacks - Although it makes economic sense for teachers to share teabags, coffee beans and other confectionaries, this must be stopped in order to limit the potential spread of COVID-19. All food and drink items must be removed from the teachers' lounge and teachers must be asked to bring their own refreshments. They should also bring their own cup and cutlery, and keep it clean or on their person at all times, to potentially prevent the spread of the virus.
To learn more about creating a safe school environment in a post-lockdown world, do not hesitate to contact Edu-quip. We can help you create a school environment that both your students and staff feel safe to learn and work in.
To learn more about the virus mitigation systems appropriate for schools, get in touch with us today.

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