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Welcome to our PHSE and personal development section where you will find an array of PHSE products designed with pre-school and primary school children in mind.
1–20 of 26 results
Emotions Chart
3 – 5 working days
Family Portrait Stencils
Expressions Learning Cards
Learning Together Learning Cards
Early Learning Skills Flash Cards
Traffic Light Pocket Chart
I Can Tie My Shoes
How Do You Feel Game
Emotions Learning Cards
Emotion-oes Board Game
Emotions Kid Drawn Bulletin Board Pack
Feelings Bulletin Board Pack
Call For Pricing
Social Skills Matter Resource Book
First Rate Character Traits Bulletin Board Pack
Social Skills Games Pack
Good Manners Matter: Kid Drawn Bulletin Board Pack
Friendly Reminders Bulletin Board Pack
Welcome Bulletin Board Pack
Kids Around the World Bulletin Board Pack
Motivation Giraffe Bulletin Board Pack
Various forms of Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education have been part of the National Curriculum for UK schools since 2000. Although some topics are non-statuary, PHSE programmes were devised to help school children develop as individuals and family members. They gain an understanding of social and economic communities with the end goal being to equip young people with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthily, safely, productively and responsibly.
In July 2013 the PSHE Association produced a revised programme of study based on the needs of today’s pupils and schools. Their programme of study identifies the key concepts and skills that underpin PSHE education and help schools to fulfil their statutory responsibilities.
Alcohol, smoking and drugs, personal health, bullying, citizenship, democracy and human rights, careers and the world of work, personal finance, family and relationships, sex education are some of the topics taught in our schools today.
Personal development is widely accepted as one of the building blocks for success. It encourages pre-school and primary school kids to interact effectively with others and develop a positive mental attitude.
Self-confidence, self-awareness, managing feelings, behaviour and forming relationships are all part of a teacher’s remit when introducing children to personal development aids.
Our emotions chart, feelings bulletin board set and our friendly reminder bulletin board set are just a few early years’ products that introduce basic principles which will become common place in later life.
Any type of development requires a framework so that school children’s achievements can be measured. A framework also highlights personal development changes.
Some of our other personal development products include a scheduling pocket chart, traffic light pocket chart, windy playground sensory set, feely tubs, emotions fishing and matching pairs – my friends & family.
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