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The surprising way school seating can impact learning

General Info about us October 6th 2017
The surprising way school seating can impact learning

It is true to say that the way students sit in their chairs can vary tremendously from person to person. But can this affect their experience in school? You might be surprised to hear the answer is yes! To find out how school seating can impact learning, read on...

The effects of poor sitting posture on learning - In order for someone to learn to their optimum, they must be comfortable. Kids spend a lot of time sitting down in classes throughout their school or college day. If their posture is poor or too upright, pressure can be placed on the diaphragm, affecting breathing and leading to back pain. If school chairs are the wrong size, children can suffer from poor circulation, rounding of the back, neck and shoulder tension, and constricted digestive organs. It's simple a child is not comfortable in their school chair, they will suffer from a lack of concentration and lower achievement levels.

Getting school seating right - Classroom seating must support healthy posture, allowing the student to place both feet firmly on the floor and their backs against their chairs. School desks and chairs are available in a range of heights, enabling a custom fit to be achieved for each child, depending on their height and body shape.

If possible, adjustable school chairs are preferable that allow a range of movement, rather than being rigid. This form of seating allows students to direct their attention in whatever direction is required, without having to physically move their chair or twist around.

Classroom fit - In addition to your choice of classroom seating keeping your students comfortable, it must fit your school’s style of teaching. For example, if classes often use a more active learning environment where pupils sit in groups or teams to carry out different exercises or tasks, the furniture you choose must be lightweight and easy to move around. It is also important that chairs for use in theatre-style assemblies can be stacked after use for storage.

In environments where students are required to sit at raised benches, for example during science classes, school chairs should be tall enough to allow a seated student to reach the necessary equipment on the bench comfortably and to make notes as required, without having to spend long periods standing up.

There’s no doubt that school seating can impact on learning. You can ensure that your students remain comfortable and attentive during lessons by choosing the right classroom furniture.

To find out more about our full range of school chairs for sale, take a look at our school seating ranges here or give us a call.

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